Looking out for our fellow neighbours

Food aid for needy of Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
June 18, 2021
Volatile but Activating Moon-Venus-Mars Conjunction
July 12, 2021

During the 1st week of Jun, I arranged for food aid for 17 poor families who lost their squatter homes at Kampung Dumpil Putatan, Sabah to a fire in late April. 

What was amazing was that the representative came back to me about a week later to request for food aid for her fellow neighbours, who are themselves not victims of the fire. 

She’s the lady in white

I found it touching that here is a woman who lost everything in a fire, and yet she’s requesting for food aid for others in need even though she herself could do with more aid.

Thankfully, some donations came in and I was able to arrange for 14 families to receive some food aid. 

Many people think that they need to be rich to be able to give and donate. While it’s true that those who are rich can give more materially, it’s not a prerequisite for a giver to be rich.

The above lady is a good example. She’s a giver. She may have lost all her possessions but she could still be a giver indirectly, by requesting on behalf of others. She’s also my middle man who helps buy and distribute food to the needy in her village, without taking a single cent for herself. What a gem!

Meanwhile, I’ve taken the lead and reactivated my neighbourhood food aid volunteer group for those living around Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur. I started out as a volunteer and became very active last year during the 1st and most severe lockdown in Malaysia. 

This year’s total lockdown while not as severe, impacts most sectors of the economy and I had been receiving many private messages for help. Together with my fellow volunteers we have managed to provide food aid to all requests. 

The lockdown has been extended indefinitely as Covid-19 cases are still high despite a month of lockdown. So far there are much less cases compared to the peak period last year. But we are preparing for more applicants for food aid as the lockdown continues. 

With the extended lockdown, there have been an outpouring of initiatives by individuals, groups of people, companies and NGOs to take care of those in need. Just these past 2 days, I’ve reading so many posts and news of such.

Nothing warms the heart more than to see people rising up to help strangers and those in need. 

As Cordelia and I walk this journey of life with a mind to care and share, we realised that we are meeting more and more people who are givers. It need not necessarily be giving in the form of money or material stuff, but of time, care, heart, even lending a ear can make a difference in people’s lives. 

I felt the world was more selfish in my previous existence as a person who was mainly self-centered. It made me feel miserable and despondent. But as I give of myself, and change myself internally, I begin to meet more like-minded people. My social circle and the people I interact with are becoming more populated with people who care. It really makes me feel warm, hopeful and even optimistic.

Thank you for being here with us.

Much love and blessings,


30 Jun 2021

Kuala Lumpur

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