Super Perihelion New Moon to start 2022

Crystal Selection & Matching
December 10, 2021
How food/ diet affects our (subtle) energies
January 7, 2022

Happy New Year 2022 everyone! May the New Year bring good tidings and a newer and better you!

Unknown to most people, 2022 is going to start with a bang in terms of celestial and astrological energies:

1) The Moon will occult Mars at 3.52am on 1st Jan 2002, visible in South Australia & Antartica

2) Super New Moon on 3 Jan 2022 at 2:34am

3) Earth will be at Perihelion (its closest to the Sun) on 4 Jan 2022 at 2:54pm.

Malaysia/China dates and time (UTC +8)

New Moon happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth are more or less aligned in 1 straight line. People on the night side of Earth will be unable to see the moon (Dark Moon) or just see a slight crescent of the moon (New Moon).

Super New Moon means a New Moon when the Moon is at its closest to Earth.

And our moon events, notably our Super New Moon is happening just a day before Perihelion, when Earth is nearest to the Sun. 

Scientifically, gravitational and tidal effects of the Sun and Moon will be the strongest this New Year weekend and will be causing the strongest and highest tides of the year. In terms of subtle energy, the astrological effects of the Sun and Moon will also be strongest during this time of the year.

Hence, be prepared for a super energetic and potentially destabilising weekend in terms of celestial subtle energies. 

People living in South Australia and Antartica will be able to see the Moon occult (block out) the red star of Mars just before dawn of the new year. Energetically, this celestial event will bring a lot of energy to our lives, and its effect tends to be negative for most people. 

The Moon influences our mind, while Mars brings the influence of strong energy which usually leads towards either competitive spirit or aggression and impulsive action. One can just imagine what happens when these 2 celestial bodies come together in the sky and affects people on Earth.

This means that around this time and for days after, some people will be more emotional and temperamental than usual. While others will be more driven to achieve in their areas of pursuit. Others might find their sleep patterns disrupted or even experience headaches. Young children who are more sensitive will tend to be more active than usual.

At the subtle energy level, such celestial alignments can do energy cleansing, healing and activation on our subtle energy systems. Negative energies in our bodies in the form of suppressed and stored emotions will be unblocked and pulled out. Some people will feel irritable or emotional due to this.

We can accelerate the process of energy cleansing and healing by simply remaining calm and preferably still, such that we do not generate and store more negative energies within us. To this effect, meditation and energy practices like Qigong and Taichi helps a lot. Practitioners will find that their practice will be more beneficial or effective than usual during these days. 

To help everyone manage the energies, CordyKet will be conducting a free (donation-basis) online vocal sound healing sesssion on Sun night:

Wellness Sounds Session

Sun 2 Jan 2022, 

9 – 10pm 

(Malaysia/China time UTC +8)

Online meeting link and password will be given in the CordyKet Groups as listed at the bottom of this article. 

For people who are don’t meditate or do Qigong/Taichi and would still like to be able to benefit from and manage themselves during this period of high energies, you can:

  • 1) read more
  • 2) do gardening
  • 3) exercise
  • 4) rest/sleep more

Have a great weekend and Happy New Year everyone!



Fri 31 Dec 2021

Kuala Lumpur

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