About Cordelia & Ket

Cordelia & Ket teach and provide services on energy reading & healing, meditation, Qigong, ESP, crystals, Feng Shui, spirituality & spiritual emergencies (eg. disturbances by evil spirits and black magic).

Together we are CordyKet and founders of Inheanity Healing and Unity Qigong. CordyKet's specialty is our proprietary Light Meditation, Unity Qigong and the Inheanity Program where we train energy healers and Lightworkers. People around the world are reporting how Light Meditation and Unity Qigong are making a difference in their lives. In the world of energy healing, Inheanity Program is making waves by teaching how to differentiate the 3 subtle energies of the human body - lifeforce, Qi and Prana, and that there are different types of prana and chakra system in humans; and that's just in the 1st module of our program.

We even teach online for FREE (donation-basis).

Long distance energy reading & healing enables us to help our clients even though we are far apart. So rest assured we can be of assistance no matter where you are.

We have helped clients from all over the world: USA, UK, Europe, Australia, China, India, Africa, Jamaica, Serbia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.

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Cordelia Lee

Cordelia is a sound healer, spiritual and meditation teacher. She has conducted workshops, meditations and sessions in Malaysia and abroad such as Singapore, Perth among others. Formerly a law graduate, she was initially only interested to make ends meet and got caught in the never-ending stressful rat race. Spirituality and religion were not her interest at all until a spontaneous kundalini awakening happened to her, without being triggered by any teacher, religious or spiritual practice. Neither was she looking for meaning of life when the kundalini awakening happened.

The only practice prior to spirituality was to keep moving forward whenever she faced obstacles and struggle in life, be it mind, heart and body. She preferred to believe in herself, of her own capabilities instead of unknown forces that made no sense to her logical mind.

However, that changed when the kundalini awakening was activated spontaneously. It led to self transformation and her current path today. She became more intuitive and found herself able to do sound healing; whereby she relies on her vocals to assist in realigning of the mind-heart-body-soul to wellness. With no prior training in sound healing, she has assisted many to wellness, especially as a manner of destress and relaxation tool.

Her remarkable story which involves demonic possession and being black magicked is now told in the book POSSESSED: from darkness to Light available on Amazon.com and also as ebook on Google Play books.

Cordelia's meditation practices are non-religious in nature and are not of mainstream practices. She can intuitively design meditations to suit each attendee or class. She believes meditation can be a way to wellness of the mind, heart, body and soul. For she has seen many, especially herself change tremendously after meditation. She suddenly developed a love for nature, community work and her creativity went beyond poetry to doll making and crafting activities. Recently, Cordelia has been receiving unique song lyrics during meditation. Songs which she believes are meant to be delivered to the world. These songs are currently being compiled to be produced one day.

In addition to her spiritual and energy work, she has been invited to use her creative skills to train NGOs (Cybercare -UNHCR, World Vision, Ronald McDonald House Charities Malaysia, Breast Cancer Group Support JB, etc.) and their beneficiaries to make dolls with the purpose of fundraising and as a possible job avenue.

She is interested to assist Humanity in empowering themselves, to the betterment of their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual lives.

Kon Ket Sing

Ket is a meditation, Qigong and spiritual teacher, energy healer & trainer and Feng Shui master since 2010. He has helped thousands of souls, including those with spiritual emergencies, mostly through working with Qi & the soul and chakras system. He sets himself apart in his fields by applying his ability and knowledge of energy reading to determine actual energy conditions before proceeding with energy work.

Formerly an ASEAN scholar and an engineering graduate of the National University of Singapore, he didn't quite believe in whatever he is now doing when he was younger. Not until some fateful events which led him to become who he is today. Prior to being involved in spirituality and subtle energy, Ket worked as an engineer for a Fortune 500 American MNC in Singapore and also spent 10 years in the health food industry. Now he applies his logical and scientifically trained mind to master his present fields and help others understand what he has learnt. Ket is known for using easy-to-understand, logical, and even scientific approach to explain widely misunderstood energy phenomena in his workshops, classes and retreats.

In recent years, Ket has focused on teaching members of the public CordyKet's Light Meditation, Unity Qigong and Inheanity Healing besides conducting workshops, regular guided public meditations and Qigong classes, both online and in-person, locally in Malaysia and abroad in China and Europe.